Thankful in 2022

Before I get into this week’s post,

Thank you!!

There are so many available options, so I am extremely grateful you spend some of your time with me! I hope I return the favor by providing useful, thought provoking, while also entertaining, content, so let’s get into it.

As you know, we just finished up a short series on fear and will commence a series on goal setting soon, which will take us into 2023. This means a blank canvas of opportunity for me this week. In reality though, this post was on my list from the beginning, because I believe it fits nicely between the two aforementioned topics. I am thankful for forethought and planning.

That said, as I review my notes, I see only a loose resemblance to that original idea. I am thankful for the proverbial eraser on this “pencil”. At this point, you probably have noticed a theme, which for those in the United States is nearly inescapable this time of year. The answer is yes…I have my own list of what I think we should all be thankful for; specifically in context of my goals for this blog.

However, I must first warn you about what you will not find on my list, though these qualities are accessible in other lists, but look later.

First, you will not find an overly repetitive or a high level of detail, requiring the list to bloat into the triple digits. I am thankful for brevity, so I list important people and self care, rather than dozens of specifics for each of those.

Secondly, you will not find rankings of what is more worthy of being thankful for. Instead, my list is sorted alphabetically, because that is one less thing I have to do, but more importantly these vary in importance from time to time.

Finally, you will not find items related to cultural expectations. I tried to steer clear of outcome based qualities, such as having a partner or experiencing nature, which I consider preferences as opposed to what we should be thankful for. My list is focused on what generates positive feelings.

Without further adieu, my list!

  • Accomplishments: I am thankful for that feeling I get when I get something done. Because you are reading this, I published another post, but I also get excited flirting with that cute guy or finding the perfect outfit for an event. Big or small, we accomplish something every day!
  • Art: While I enjoy museums and the ballet, that is not the only art I am referring to. More generally, I am thankful for that breathtaking feeling we get when we experience something beautiful.
  • Connection: This can occur through a myriad of methods, ranging from pen pals, an online group of thousands of like minded people, monthly meetings of a community group, or a neighbor you chat with while on a walk. I am thankful for every joyful opportunity I share with someone else.
  • Conscious Thought: This is specifically our ability to think beyond simple instincts, allowing collaboration, debate, and reflection, etc. It lays the foundation for these other items on this list, for which I am thankful!
  • Hazel’s Blog: Just seeing if you are paying attention! I really mean creativity, which I employ through my blog. I am incredibly thankful for this creative outlet, even if no one reads this. What is your creative outlet?
  • Important People: I am reluctant to list specific relationships, so I have this as the catch all for those specific individuals we consistently connect with. I am thankful for when I catch up with friends both hearing about their lives and sharing mine.
  • Knowledge and Learning: I understand every piece of information is available in our pocket, purse, or sitting on our desk, but there is a more satisfying feeling when we can synthesize information into something useful. Just yesterday I learned something mind blowing from someone I had breakfast with, which was a fantastically freeing feeling; although the fact itself was less fun.
  • Language: The lubrication for how we get most things done nowadays; however, language is more than a means to an end. I am ecstatic that I could execute an enthralling elucidation of this item. A bit of a stretch, but I am thankful for finding the perfect word for a situation.
  • Technology: Please do not read this as our phones! Rather, we live in an amazing time, and thanks to many intelligent people, our lives are pretty amazing. My tea kettle, which I filled up from the faucet in my kitchen, is whistling, because I turned a knob on my stove minutes ago, so I can fill my french press. Pretty remarkable, though relatively old school compared to what is out there. I am thankful for this convenience nonetheless *sip*
  • Self Care: It’s important to take time for yourself, regardless of what that means to you, because that feeling of relaxation and/or rejuvenation is universal, and one I am thankful for!
  • Uniqueness: We are all worthy of celebration! There is only one person like you! I am thankful for the opportunity to meet and learn from each person. I know I said no judgment, but this is my favorite on the list. In a nutshell, it’s the point of my blog. Be you!! Love you!! I cherish you!!

I am truly thankful for my opportunity to share with you! Have an amazing week however you choose to spend it!!