Telling My Story

Hello again! It’s July! Well, I think it’s July! My mind is a little…something right now.

I start this on Saturday afternoon after a week I will remember for a very long time! Leading in, I knew this week would be crazy, given my previous commitments. These included a Town Hall in my city, a conversation at my company that crossed into who knows how many states, and finally a speech this morning in response to the laws going into effect today.

What a week, right? Hold on.

There was quite a bit more, which I truly wonder if it all actually happened or just a dream. Let’s face it, countless times I have contemplated whether I am dreaming, yet each and every time, I wake up to realize this is reality. In other words, a dream come true!

If you would like more details, please reach out or find me on the socials; however the short version is I was quoted by several newspaper articles, and interviewed by a television station and CNN – yes CNN though just in digital print form. The craziest part, I have actually been recognized from these…more than once.

Sure, being an incredibly social, pink and blue haired, trans girl in a predominately cis state helps too! Nevertheless, it’s unbelievable.

Admittedly, it’s absolutely spectacular to have strangers initiate conversation with me, particularly because the topic can seamlessly incorporate my most sincere passion: trans rights. Chances are, this person is either an ally or wants to become one, in which case I would love to help!! Endlessly I will work towards this goal, so in some ways it feels like a job, where the paycheck is more goodness in the world.

I also just love talking to people!! If you ever see me, please say hello!! You are never bothering me, and actually I will be more bothered if you do not say hello!

First hand recognition of my impact on this world is magical, as I can see and feel the good I am imparting in the lives of others. I have been called brave and inspiring more this last month than the rest of my life combined!

I know this for certainty, because before two years ago, that number was exactly zero.

Despite the desire to make a difference, proven by journal evidence written years before I transitioned, that person I used to be was incapable of inspiring anyone to do anything. Also, forget about bravery, as it was only applied in easy situations, which is hardly brave. The contrast between me now and then is stark; although, most people in my life never knew that person.

Existing in that person was simply the desire, limited by incapability of putting significant actions in place for a myriad of reasons such as lack of motivation and determination. There was a void of any passion for anything meaningful, so rarely anything was accomplished. Additionally, the anxiety around trying was overwhelming due to the lack of foundational basis from which to draw. There was no confidence whatsoever.

Leaving that person behind was my first step to finding myself, which shifted to embracing myself, all the while writing my story along the way.

Before I go further, I will pause to say everything with humbleness in my heart, as my intent is to make a difference, so insofar as attention to my story brings change, I will bring my story. Everything I do is for those who do not feel safe speaking up.

Secondly, there is truly nothing special about me that anyone else cannot do too, other than transitioning, since it’s pretty rare. When I hear people tell me their story, which often does happen, I experience first hand how incredible so many people are! However, when I tell someone how impressive their story is, often their response is dismissal of how remarkable their story truly is.

It’s sad, though I understand as I try to downplay my own story two paragraphs above.

Repeatedly telling my story these past few weeks has reframed my opinion, which has been reinforced by the amazing reactions I have heard. People have found me on social media only to tell me how inspiring I am. My friends come across these, then tell me feelings they’ve had for a while, yet kept to themselves.

I am shocked that this is really happening, since the story I am telling is about becoming myself, which is already unbelievable for me. Simply going about my day as who I am brings me joy, whether that’s hearing my name, wearing my clothes, or showing up to a breakfast with a dear friend like I did Sunday morning. These are joys I did not experience before, and I am truly grateful for them on their own.

In fact, I want everyone to share this joy of being unapologetically themself, which is the reason I started writing nearly one year ago! Oh my gosh, I just realized it’s approaching one year now!!

I am so grateful for these opportunities, as I am experiencing joy on top of joy through telling my story. Every single interview I have done, I emphasize how meaningful my transition was to my happiness, adding I didn’t know what happiness really was until I transitioned.

What I realize this week is going through my transition, building myself into this person you know, provides the courage and strength to be vulnerable in front of cameras or a group of people. All in hopes of being an example for others to live their best life too.

My story makes me who I am, and who I am allows me to tell my story.

Further, my story is a passion to work tirelessly for a better future for my community, not giving a second thought to spending hours on nights and weekends doing what I do! I never regret any time I put towards my endeavors .

People ask me how I do so much, yet my thought is about what else I could be doing. This is my life. I love it! 

I feel empowered in my life, even within a world that can be hateful towards me, because I know who I am, which the world cannot take.

Please find who you are, and be empowered in your life! You deserve it!!

Sending my love to all of you!! Have a wonderful week!!