One year ago

Hello again! How was your week?? Mine was busy, but in a wonderful way!!

As I think back to writing my last post, I wonder if I missed a week, based on how much has happened since then!! I reviewed my calendar from this past week, and it’s full, then I look at next week, and it’s already full, starting with Sunday! To be honest, I have to figure out when I can make my video, or finish this post!

I will find the time! I always do!

Finding the time is tricker these days, considering how busy I am, admittedly from my own volition. In fact, my start to this post is substantially later than usual, as I write this on Saturday night, after a full day of Juneteenth events, including many I was helping with! I take on so much, never shy away from meeting new people, and often taking on more after I meet those new people. I love it!

I love meeting new people! I love being an Enneagram Two….look it up and try to tell me that’s not me!

This epitome of Enneagram Two that is me did not always exist in this form, though you may be surprised to learn it was NOT my transition I will point to. Sure, the order of operations is important, as I needed to transition to this person I love first, yet that was no guarantee for what would come next.

Instead, I point to one year ago this weekend to the 2022 Juneteenth celebration in my city that began a life-changing endeavor, which I believe I am only in the beginning. Just as that one day serves a catalyst for the last year, I believe this past year will serve as a catalyst for even more over the next five, ten, or even twenty years.

Before that day, a local Facebook event and a seemingly innocuous conversation at an Art Fair with a now friend led me to visit Harmon Park in Prairie Village on a Saturday afternoon. While I was a little nervous to go by myself, it was far below my threshold to keep me at home. Plus, I embraced opportunities to be out in the world as myself, which after one year post transition was becoming normal.

While at the park, one conversation led to another, prompting an introduction then another conversation, which included an invitation to a meeting a few weeks later. I knew I would attend the meeting, despite being nervous again, then helped with one event, leading to full membership to the group, then planning another event, at which I spoke.

Little did I know these were only the beginning, from which I have contributed to other events with other groups, including other speaking opportunities. I am organizing some events, volunteering at others, and also simply attending the rest. Meanwhile, I am meeting so many incredible people! Like TONS of new people!

Who I am makes this possible, because who I am gives me confidence and being myself is incredible.

What’s amazing is how my life changed on that day, igniting a fire in me I never knew existed, since that light was extinguished by the world then left unlit over the course of my life. 

I’m now burning extra brightly to make up for lost time!

When I think back over this past year, I view this as a second phase of my transition, since so much of this is coming from new parts of me. Rather than brand new, these are qualities that were buried deeply inside my consciousness that I am realizing I love!!

In fact, shortly after this Juneteenth event was the midpoint of the year, at which time I was re-evaluating my annual goals. While I do not recall what I was specifically considering, I knew something was different in my objectives for life. I allowed myself to become a blank canvas, holding back any paint until inspiration moved me.

Here are some items I’ve learned!

First, I already mentioned the people I’ve met over this past year! I wish I could remember when I made the goal of meeting new people, but it was around that time when I identified a number, like a real number, of people to meet over the next year. At that point, I didn’t have much of an objective other than cultivating my extroverted side that lay dormant for forty years.

Second, all this advocacy work I bring so much passion for was mostly just an idea I supported, rather than worked towards. I can see how my efforts have made an impact on my community, while also seeing how investments in time are paying off towards bigger goals.

Finally, this blog and my writing goals began to form into something tangible around that time; although it took time to bring focus to these goals into what I strive for these days.

Together, my life turned into something I can shape in ways I wanted to, as I stopped waiting for it to happen to me. Instead, I was impacting how my life was going to unfold. No longer was I the clay. I became an artist, molding the world and my life into the artifact I would leave beyond my expiration on this earth.

All because of one conversation and courage to show up. These gave me the vision of my life I wanted to see, and most importantly belief in myself that I could make it happen.

What’s remarkable is I don’t remember what my life was like without this drive I have. Was I just sitting around daydreaming of what I could do?

My goals are my goals, which are perfect for me, though perhaps less so for you. However, there is a spark somewhere in your life now, or very soon, that you should find and cultivate.

It may be completely obvious or more obscure, but it will become present if you just allow it. Most importantly, never for one second doubt yourself! You never know what you are capable of until you try! I promise it will be worth it!

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful week!!