Hazel speaks to your audience

Bring Hazel’s story to your next group, who will be inspired to discover their enthusiastic life

Past Speeches and Media Interviews

Sample Outline of Speech

Living with Enthusiastic Authenticity

Pressures are everywhere, whether society, family, career, or peers, often making us feel out of control of our own situation. The reality is, it’s the pressure we put on ourselves, based on those outside pressures that keep us from living our best life.

My history is one where these pressures put me into an incredibly dark place, specifically on a day I wanted to end my life, as I was battling crushing substance abuse. I talk about where I came from, specifically how those outside pressures impacted me.

After inviting the audience to consider the pressures they face in their life, I ask them to expound upon those thoughts to materialize how each of them respond to those pressures. At this point, I cater to the group to which I am speaking for stories and examples, making it as relatable as possible. 


The fun part is next, as this is when the audience can dream of what’s possible for them. Again I share my journey beyond that tragic day in my life to the discovery of my life, which I am enthusiastic to live from the moment I wake up in the morning.

For me, it was my gender transition, which is not for everyone; however, within everyone is a transition into the life they are individually enthusiastic to live. I invite each person to dream that life, followed by identifying the steps on how to reach it.

Have a question or want to learn more?

Reach out here for inquiries





Public Speaking!


My Introductory to the basics




This introduction is designed for individuals who are not regular public speakers, who find themselves in an unfamiliar situation. Whether it’s a work presentation, toast at a wedding, or leading the monthly meeting for your club, these lessons are designed to be highly impactful for bringing you to a level of comfort to succeed. Should you discover your love for public speaking, or find yourself in a role requiring more of it, I plan on making advanced lessons, but more importantly, I offer coaching!! Reach out!

Hazel’s Recorded Speeches

Update: 25 March 2024