Believe in Yourself!

Hello everyone! How was your week?!?! I hope it was truly spectacular!

Mine feels like a total blur, which is an extension of how this entire month has unfolded. This is largely because of planning a Town Hall in my community, which occurred Saturday; not to mention, the disaster that has been my work this past week.

While I won’t get into specifics of those above events here, rest assured nearly everything has landed in a spot that is fantastic or better! Instead, I want to focus on a short video I made while preparing for the Town Hall before I had lunch.

During this video, I may have told a little fib when I said nerves were running a “little bit,” because they were actually running more than that! Like WAY more! The event that day was the culmination of many hours of planning, the first of which commenced before Thanksgiving!

I was pretty confident we had plans accounted for during the event itself; however, I was still expected to speak, and perhaps quite a bit, in response to questions I was only roughly familiar with. We wanted a conversational feel, so we gave the Moderator some freedom to drive the conversation how he felt.

Interestingly, as I watched my video hours later, I actually had forgotten the comment I made immediately after my fib, which was “my bracelet says ‘Believe in Yourself’, and that’s 100% true, and it’s getting me through, because I know I can do it.” 

I had forgotten I made this comment, because for one, did I mention my nerves? Secondly, Saturday was one of those days that felt like three or four all in one! I had woken up early, did I mention my nerves? Also, I had consumed every possible moment of that day, including practicing my introduction while driving to the restaurant; don’t worry, I was reciting from memory!

Finally, another reason I probably had forgotten though was….I often think this, and often verbalize it to myself:

Believe In Yourself!

I find it remarkable how this relatively small token, honestly it’s a cheap bracelet I acquired as part of an event, has impacted my life more than most books, seminars, speeches, articles, or whatever else I have consumed. That phrase is actually one of two bracelets I wear most days, the only exception is when I wear my rainbow bracelet for pride. The other bracelet says “Nothing is Impossible” by the way.

Oh, I only wear one because on my other wrist I always wear the same bracelet, which is one I made from Iris’ beads that has my name on it. In its own way this serves a reminder that I can do anything! Sure, these are likely nuanced differences to the reader, but they are powerful to me.

Similarly, I have more of these little tokens throughout my life, such as the rock painted with ‘Courage’ in my bathroom, and the sign that says ‘Authenticity’ in my room near my closet. As a quick aside, who remembers my two words from weeks ago? Furthermore, I have a sizable she/her/hers pronoun pin on my backpack, which was on the first trans tokens I displayed at work after coming out there.

While I have a few more, I trust the gist is coming across, which is these little messages are meaningful to me, and help me live these ideals I have identified for myself.

I know everyone should believe they can do anything; however, a bracelet that says Hazel may not serve that purpose for you. What is that token that gives you reassurance that you can do anything? Or helps you believe in yourself?

The reality is we all have it in us to believe in ourselves. If you disagree, I challenge you to roll through your memory bank until you find one, regardless of how far back you must go. Identify that feeling you had at that moment, sitting in it for a bit.

Now do it again, roll back through your memory bank for those moments you felt that same way, which I believe will be easier this time. What comes to your mind? Any particular phrases, thoughts, images, anything? Find those, associate those items with that feeling, and this bond will forever exist, allowing you to express that feeling whenever your nerves are telling you to run.

In recent weeks, I have realized I have taken actions about which I was unsure, simply because I feared regretting it later. I do this by telling myself: “I don’t want future Hazel to regret this Hazel not doing it.” It has helped me overcome reluctance to initiate tough conversations at work, and speaking in front of my City Council (again).

I couldn’t tell you how many times I looked down at my wrist to spur the motivation I needed!

Overall, I am happy I overcame my hesitation, even if perhaps I would rephrase a few things here or there. Ultimately, I did it! I found a method that works for me! There is nothing special about what I do, other than it works for me.

I challenge each of you to harness your own energy in your personal way that will serve as the catalyst to accomplish what you doubt is possible. For today, it looks like I am wearing my “Nothing is Impossible” bracelet!

I truly believe in it, not just for me, but for you, and for everyone!

Please keep me posted on the amazing things you accomplish!!! Have a wonderful week everyone!!!