Be Your Best!

Hello Again!!! How was your week?? Anything fun, exciting, or noteworthy? Perhaps all three?!?

It’s April, which is such an exciting time!! I love Spring!! Wait, I mentioned that in another post….Well, even if I did, it’s still true!

.April means we are one-quarter through the year, so it feels like a great chance to check in on how the year is going! For me, some goals have shifted, which is expected, though only some for the positive!

One shift was prompted from the trans advocacy work I am compelled towards, which is rather rewarding; although, in an ideal world, where certain politicians don’t hate certain people, it would not be necessary. It’s pretty stressful, when I have long term concerns about my ability to remain in Kansas, where I call home.

However, in other states, I am seeing trans people and their families having to make a decision to leave their home or face legal consequences. This makes me sad and sounds ridiculously stressful.

Of course, many of my original goals are intact, more or less as written on January first; though I may need to catch up on a few. Of particular concern are those purely “selfish” goals, such as my writing or reading or walking. These are “selfish” in the sense whether I do them impacts only me, consequently, the easiest to set aside. 

Goodness gracious, I still have to do my taxes!

Those particular goals provide a cathartic quality that rejuvenates me. For example, I was telling a friend this past week about the mental benefits of my morning walk, which I compared to yoga or meditation. Writing is my absolute favorite use of time, not only creating stories, but my story is coming together slowly!

Further, I am realizing how important finding time to relax is, which is often easier said than done, am I right?? Then, when I find the time, genuine relaxation is onerous to obtain! Recently, I came across the concept of:

Stresslaxing: Being Stressed that relaxing makes you more stressed because you’re not working on what’s making you stressed.

This was my introduction to this concept, causing a pause in thought, particularly considering I had recently emerged from a hot bath with essential oils, surrounded by aromas of several candles, while my phone blares meditation music.

Oh, then at some point I learned my phone’s notifications were still audible, and my mind is incapable of dismissing conjecture about which app’s notification I just heard. Probably Instagram. Maybe someone else liked my Trans Day of Visibility post. Hopefully!

I was really happy about that post! The timing too! I love TDoV! I love the recognition my community has on this day, serving as a partial counterbalance to the abundant bills passing through state legislatures, many of which being signed into law by governors.

Often it feels like damage control, racing towards the end of legislative sessions before the worst of the bills accumulate enough votes.

The challenge is not feeling too overwhelmed by results, staying motivated to keep up the fight, while not burning out. That’s just one situation too!! Add in work, and other obligations, and it’s no wonder a good cry will erupt unannounced at what seems like a moment’s notice.

Reality is, it’s not actually a moment’s notice….

Switching gears a moment, as I take you back a few days to when I started thinking about the content of this post, which bounced around a few below average ideas.

Eventually, I did find that April is Stress Awareness Month, which I felt was the Universe reaching out to me. First, it was telling me I should have stayed in the bathtub longer, perhaps until I could truly have meaningful time to relax.

Finally, this needs to be a priority this month. I need to be a priority this month (for me), while you need to be a priority for you!!

The ability to show up as ourselves, fully and passionately, will be increasingly easier when we make ourselves a priority. Even for our families, who perhaps need us to be present for their own survival, can benefit from each of us taking time for our personal needs.

As I wrap up this post, I will list ideas I will incorporate into my life, attentive to my own needs, and I encourage you to do the same. My list maintains efforts towards goals, but the shift this time is for self care and rejuvenation, rather than necessity.

One idea I have mentioned already are my walks. By resuming my morning walk, I am getting exercise, clearing my mind, and/or choosing more uplifting books from time to time. These helped in the past!!

Another suggestion is taking breaks, so I plan to step away from work each day, perhaps walking over my lunch. It’s amazing how draining a nonstop day of work can be; despite “only” sitting at a desk.

Beyond a working day, I hope to keep one evening free to write, and only write; therefore, no meetings, no dates, no work. The no dates part won’t be a problem.

Moreover, I will keep attention on the amazing parts I have in my life and celebrate these. I have some pretty fantastic kids I immensely adore, and with whom I have incredible fun. Additionally, I am blessed with friendships, both quantity and quality, unlike any other period in my life. Heck, possibly more now than the first several decades of my life! I will fully enjoy these parts of my life!!

Finally, I need to sleep more! Including right now! So I will wrap this up for the night!!

All of these will help me be more enthusiastic and strong for being my best each day!! If you have other suggestions, let me hear them!!

Have a wonderful week!!! Take care of yourself, because you deserve it!!!