At Least

Hello all!! How is your December going??? It’s been okay here!

Who am I kidding?!?! It’s been spectacular!! While of course things could be better in certain aspects, I am grateful for so much!!

Nevertheless, I will not diminish the feelings I had previously, while also acknowledging those feelings will come back. It’s life, and I am certainly not alone!

Before I go further, I have a few updates, which I will get into! First though, my notes mention Adversity, so I should probably start there; although, I feel as though I have stared there many times.

As I look back, I see that I have written about Adversity more often than any other topic on this blog.

Either I have a strong passion for it, experience it often, or more likely both. My strong passion lies in overcoming my own adversity, writing about it, so others can benefit from my experiences. 

By no means am I an expert, rather I have had a remarkable year, which follows two remarkable years, all of which follow decades of momentous adversity, simply trying to live my best life.

My book, available January 21st, chronicles how the adversity accumulated in my life, my coping mechanisms I employed through my journey to discovering my best self, my real life, the one I am enthusiastic to live.

However, my book stops in 2021, the year I transitioned. Since then, my life has been filled with joy, despite attempts to diminish my existence through government and religious groups, which are often the same people. It’s enough to start writing book number two in February!

By the way, I already have a title and stories in mind for book number two!

My relationship with adversity has shifted, allowing me to avoid paralysis from fear. Even over these past few weeks or months, when I knew I was feeling pain, I rationalized my feelings, while reconciling that those feelings will not last.

The holidays are difficult in new ways this year, but I focus on the good in my life, stay positive, then manifest those good parts into great parts.

Like my book!

Having this outstanding goal keeps my mind focused; in fact, as stress builds up in one area, my current coping mechanism is pushing forward my book, so I can turn that energy into a positive. It doesn’t remove that negative, rather I ensure something good is happening.

This is stark contrast to a long-standing coping mechanism I used for decades, and actually caused incredible distress in my life: substance abuse, specifically alcohol.

In fact, alcohol, then eventual sobriety, is a major theme in my book. Overcoming that adversity opened so many doors in my life, and I believe it is a necessary condition for the rest of my journey.

In the beginning of sobriety, I used to say “at least I am sober,” knowing no matter what else happens, I already overcame a huge problem in my life. I overcame adversity.

Moving forward in my journey, I found my name, then built my life into what you all know. Unsurprisingly, that’s THE major theme in my book, specifically my internal struggles of an identity that didn’t fit the mold society expected.

During moments of reflection, I knew what I wanted, but was forced to confront the headwinds in a way I never had before. For most of my life, I let the expectations of everyone else dictate my life, so outgrowing that was a challenge.

Everything started in secret, as not to bring attention to myself, because yes, I didn’t like attention at some point in my life. The reality, transitioning my life brought attention to me, so like it or not, attention was there.

When the challenges were greatest, I used to say “at least I am Hazel,” which even as I write this brings a smile to my face. I overcame adversity.

Now, as I sit with one holiday in the rearview mirror, another in my windshield, I stay focused on my book. Have I mentioned it will be available on January 21st?

When I read parts of my book, I see all types of adversity, yet I am reading from a place of strength and happiness. People ask how it felt writing about such difficult parts of my life, and I tell them it’s cathartic, because “at least I am past it.”

While the metaphorical scars remain, by moving past, I am healed. I am stronger today than ever before. I can handle present adversity in a more healthy manner, so when I feel it, I trust I will move past it again.

We have all moved past adversity, so take a moment to think about what you’ve already overcome. I’ll wait.

First be proud of what you’ve done! Be proud you found the mechanism for facing it before moving past it. As you read this, know you are amazing!!

Ignore the impetus to caveat your accomplishments, such as your perceived lack of effort or coincidence. There will always be some chance, but that’s absolutely not everything.

You did it! You are here stronger than ever! You are ready to handle the next thing!!

Thank you for reading!!

As I mentioned above, my book will be available January 21st, 2024. At this point, there is no presale, so stay tuned to when it’s available. My cover is released!

My cover is released!

The title is Enthusiastically Me. It’s my story from deep depression and substance abuse to discovering a life I am enthusiastic to live. When I say depression and substance abuse, I mean a very dark time in my life.

Conversely, when I say enthusiastic to live, I mean all of this you know as Hazel, as me!