New Reality

Hello again!!! It’s been a little bit!! How have you been?

I have been pretty amazing! While I don’t want to make this post purely an update on my whereabouts, I feel it’s prudent to provide a baseline level of information. For one, I am safe, happy, and healthy. Well, as safe, happy, and healthy as I previously was, so calling that a win.

I am working on some new projects, one of which is figuring out what I am doing with my life. Sounds dramatic, but I can be dramatic at times!

Beyond those basics, my career has changed, as I no longer work for a company, doing what they expect of me, including showing up to work (online) when they tell me to, writing that email, filling out this paperwork, or sitting through yet another staff meeting.

Instead, my staff meetings occur wherever I am, including here in the library’s study room on a Wednesday morning, or later tonight after my kids go to bed ahead of another school day. Wait, it’s Wednesday, right? Yes, it’s Wednesday, and they have school tomorrow, but not Friday. I think that’s on my calendar.

My calendar, the most necessary tool in my tool chest, or is it a toolbox? It’s metaphorical regardless of what it’s called. I’ve learned my calendar is my new boss, as discipline must come from within, because there’s no more monthly one-on-ones, or annual reviews. Everything I do is a review, whether a speech I am giving, a piece I am writing, networking event, or simply showing up to a meeting.

World, here I am! Hazel, owner of Enthusiastically You LLC, writer, speaker, blogger, speaking coach, or fill in the blank at this point!

It’s official, I am on my own. While I have dropped hints on my social media over the course of the last few weeks, I am using this opportunity to make my announcement. I am self employed for now with hopes of staying that way until my time on this planet is over.

This endeavor is more calculated than most realize, given I have made this decision on my own, though input was sought from some. Realistically, I couldn’t say much for several reasons, one of which was the superstition to avoid a jinx; nevertheless, it’s a decision profoundly impactful on me, and only me.

What I do now is the burden falling on me, and only me. Yikes!

Nevertheless, I am incredibly excited for the next steps in my life, as well as incredibly scared.

I have many ideas, some will be public soon once complete, some will never see the light of day. I have made decent progress on my book, which should be coming out in months. I lined up speaking gigs, as I am trying to line up more, though none are paid as of yet. I continue my advocacy at every opportunity, whether through an organization or simply on my own.

I am meeting new people, through official networking channels. Is anyone surprised to learn I enjoy that part of this new endeavor? I made business cards, which I adore, passing those out at every opportunity. When you see me next, ask for one! There’s a very good chance I have several with me.

What excites me the most is I am manifesting my life along the same trajectory that has brought me unspeakable joy in recent years. It’s the reason I started this blog. It is the reason I write, record, post, speak, ALL the verbs I do.

It’s the reason I exist.

My passion is my fuel for this vessel going somewhere, hopefully somewhere that leads to a career, but even if it doesn’t, I know it will take me to incredible destinations offering light and joy to anyone along the route. I cannot wait to find out where I am going!!

I don’t have to wait very long. I have leapt into an unknown space leaving behind firm ground  with certainly no parachute or lifeline. The universe knows where I am, but more importantly, the universe knows where I am going, so I trust the guidance the universe will inevitably offer. Actually, the universe has already offered enough guidance for now, because at some point, such as now, it’s up to me.

When I am worried, I will find reassurance. 

When I am lonely, I will find a friend. 

When I lack ideas, I will find inspiration.

When I need, I will find.

When I need stability, I will find it, but that can wait! My seat is in the upright and locked position, ready for the turbulence of these next weeks, months, years, and decades to come! Unlike when I transitioned, I am ready for amazing things; however, like my transition, I don’t know what to expect.

Ultimately, I hope you come along with me in whatever capacity you feel most comfortable. A spectator role may be appropriate for now, but that can change! I encourage regular self evaluation.

Thank you for being here with me! I am very excited that you are here!! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you have for me!!

Most importantly, have a wonderful week!! See you soon!!

3 thoughts on “New Reality”

  1. Andrea Seraphina Francesca Lauren

    Even more so perhaps than your choice of words, something about the way you wrote this felt different to me…like something that had been holding you back before is no longer doing so. I applaud and support this bold decision 100% – congrats!

  2. This already adds a glow to your enthusiasm. You are such a positive and uplifting person I know you will succeed! Congratulations!

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