Goals – Identity

So I want to start exactly two months ago, when I commenced writing this post. Actually, hold up, let’s go back a little further, prior to this blog’s conception. Back then, I relished the time I had to freely explore whatever endeavor fancied my interest, unencumbered by the monogamous demands from just one idea.

This time allowed for continuously gaining comfort with the freedom to be the person I cherish, whomever I was at that moment. Eventually, I grew weary of the variety, instead reaching the point to put myself out there, share what I have to offer to just one. Wholly commit my mind, body and soul to one singular idea. I quickly embraced this new life committed to just one idea, until one day, this blog was born! The epitome of our love! Isn’t it so precious?

My blog was born to share advice about being Enthusiastically You, which is what the world needs more of. My very first idea, the genesis of this entire venture is: how I have this unique goal setting and implementing idea Finally, I am unveiling this! Every post to this point was just foreplay!

For the post, I researched some other goal setting theories, though only one idea is worth sharing, because for one, it’s fairly well known, and secondly, I incorporate this into my theory. Like mine, it’s a fun acronym, which is neat IMHO (in my humble opinion). Admittedly, it’s pretty smart ,and literally, it’s SMART, which means:






This idea certainly has merit as criteria for determining what a goal should be. For example, as I consider goals for my writing career, this would be a SMART goal: start a blog, posting weekly and start writing my book I want publish-ready by the end of 2023. Seems simple and smart, right?

The problem I see with this idea is the lack of focus on the implementation portion of the process, which is where I believe we need the most help. For instance, millions of Americans will make weight loss goals for New Years, and part of that will include going to the gym. A SMART goal is “I want to lose 10 pounds by March 1st, so I will go to the gym three times per week.”

While I no longer consider myself a gym regular, I do remember how much busier the gym became in January. However, by February, the crowd thinned to December levels. Why was that? The motivation was not sustainable, or something came up that one time, which turned into two or three somethings, or any justification we could cite to not go. Better yet, how often do we convince ourselves we didn’t really want that in the first place? Those extra ten pounds means there is more of me to love!

The problem with SMART is that even with the finest goal, we as humans must generate the incentive and inspiration to accomplish them; queue up my theory. Yes, I am calling it a theory by the way!

What I discovered was paramount for success was imagining my life once I reached that goal. Further, the more elaborate my imagination, the better! Therefore, when the inevitable discouragement surfaced, I looked back within myself, uncovered that image and replayed it in my mind.

Some mornings early in my transition, I woke up but remained in bed, dispirited by the magnitude of the day ahead. I couldn’t tell you how many times it was simply a glimpse into my closet that lifted my mood. Or perhaps, I would think about my name, thankful I could use it when I could.

 I love my name

 have I ever mentioned that?

I visualized the person I was striving for all the time; I am not kidding, I spent thousands of hours thinking about this. I imagined my life in a way….how it is now. I heard mom, Hazel, she, ma’am in my head, inspiring me to keep going. Inevitably, I mustered the motivation to move ahead.

I’ll admit, transitioning was huge, but I revisit this idea for any goal I have. Back to my goal of becoming a writer, so the blog posts and my book, I am not ashamed to say I think of myself as a writer. When people ask what I do for work my response is some version of: “to pay the bills, I work for a bank, but I want to be a writer.” That’s what I want people to know about me.

I am living my life as a writer, despite earning a whole nothing in terms of money so far.

Beyond that, I have already visualized my book release party – you are all invited! Additionally, I’ve done countless interviews in my head, including the one after being booked to speak for $10k, at which time I can say I am a writer without caveats.

Maybe this will never happened, but this is what motivation looks like for me.

On a smaller scale, what does that 10 pounds lighter you look like? Or what does your body look like after going to the gym three times a week for a few months?

Make it real,

make it you.

The TIMER has begun! That’s my word:


TIMER, clever, right?!? It means:






The target is the goal, preferably one that follows the SMART criteria listed above. Next however, I believe is the most important step:

Make it your identity!!!!

We will continue next week, but in the meantime, think about your goals, focusing on the you that you will be once you accomplish them. Don’t be afraid to dream big! You can do it!

Become the person you have to answer to if you do not reach it. See you next week!!

Have an amazing week!!