Recapping 2022

Thanksgiving week is a unique week, regardless of how anyone feels about the food selection, family, or how the holiday started. Instead, I am referring to the energy of the week with shortened work schedules, the number of people traveling, and the mental shift to Christmas as soon as dessert begins digesting. Ah, Thanksgiving traditions!

While not exactly a long time tradition in our home, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is serving as background noise for the kids and me. Striking is the focus on reverence for the history of this tradition, considering I now know Smokey the Bear first appears in the parade in the 1960s – they said the specific year, but only marginally paying attention. However, the announcers also comment on what characteristics are new about these floats, such as the jeans on Smoke the Bear were changed over the years. There was a joke about skinny jeans, followed by commentary that his hat is a replica of the hats worn by the first park rangers.

I pondered Smokey for a few minutes, which itself is an odd exercise, however, I think there is beauty in the intersection of the nostalgia of his hat with more modern jeans. On top of it all, both are worn upon an icon I forgot existed when I woke up this morning. Note, his message of preventing forest fires has stayed with, so no judgment!

What I enjoy about Thanksgiving is how it serves as the appetizer for the holiday season feast. This week, we are snacking on the holidays by catching up with folks we haven’t seen in a year, thinking we have plenty of time until Christmas, the main course. Don’t forget about the dessert of New Year’s, which often ends with resolutions to lose all this weight we just packed on.

I feel resolutions get all the attention, not unlike the pies we always look forward to each November, so I encourage us to slow down, and focus on reflecting on the past first. Let us enjoy the casual, no pressure pace of the appetizer.

This week, I am interjecting some prompts to think about, which I will also participate in. By no means am I an expert, rather I want to show my thought process as a sample. I introduced this time as more of a reflection on the past, so think about what that means to you.

Among my first thoughts were some of the more negative parts of my year. Am I alone??? However, as I reflected further, I started to see a wider, brighter picture, putting that one specific situation into another context. Some of my favorite aspects to come from this past year originate with some of my least favorite, mixed with random fortune. I have more details below.

I will go through my thought process on how to get there, but following my path is less important than reaching the ultimate objectives, which are thinking about the positives parts of this past year, and more importantly how did those come about. Afterall, the destination is wonderful, but the journey is what gets you there! 

  • My first thought was going back to the end of 2021, trying to remember my goals as best I could, to hopefully have a brief profile of Hazel on January 1.
  • Next, I evaluated where I am now, focusing on my favorite parts of my life.
  • Lastly, connect those two points, which is the fun part! I went back through my pictures, which was great, but also helped spur memories.

I would encourage you to take time on this, because you may find that some of the smallest aspects built up to the more monumental parts of this past year. This is true for me! It was several unrelated, perfectly timed, events that changed the trajectory of my year, and possibly the rest of my life. I could point to specific conversations with people I didn’t know yet that were necessary to get to this point. It blows my mind when I think about it that way.

Let me show you my work, starting with how I began the year. As a reminder, 2021 was a pretty incredible year for me, so I was legitimately worried 2022 would be disappointing. Where I was on January 1st, along with goals associated with those.

  • Started a new role at work after my second promotion, which was hopefully just a temporary stop
  • Fully socially transitioned and on hormones, so next steps legal transitions
  • Built  good friendships, so I wanted to keep that momentum
  • Very single, which would be nice to change.

Where I am now:

  • I have deemphasized the role work has played in my life
  • Replaced by projects, such as community involvement and writing
  • Have career aspirations for my writing
  • Amazing friendships found and strengthened this past year
  • Legally changed my name!
  • Still very single….we win some we lose some!

What’s so fun about my 2022 is the beautiful intersection of these versions of me. Impossibly, 2022 may have topped 2021.

What is your story of 2022? What made this an incredible year!?!?! Please do not hesitate to share!!!

Have a wonderful week!!!